Brian Alvarado

Product Designer

Brian Alvarado

Product Designer

Brian Alvarado

Product Designer

Brian Alvarado

Product Designer

OMOLON Energy Drinks

I embarked on this project initially to hone my graphic design skills by creating an energy drink advertisement. However, it soon evolved into a comprehensive venture. I developed the product concept, designed a prototype website to dive into web design, directed advertisement campaigns, and collaborated with other content creators to bring the vision to life.

What began as a personal study project transformed into one of my most fulfilling and proudest achievements. Explore the process and results below.

I embarked on this project initially to hone my graphic design skills by creating an energy drink advertisement. What started as a simple exercise soon turned into an expansive and exciting endeavor. Driven by passion and curiosity, I developed the product concept, crafted a prototype website to delve into web design, and directed engaging advertisement campaigns. Along the way, I collaborated with talented content creators to bring the vision of Omolon Energy Drinks to life.

As the project grew, I found myself launching an MVP product to test the market, gathering over 500+ email listings from interested consumers. This journey, which began as a personal challenge, transformed into one of my most fulfilling and proudest achievements. It was also a pivotal moment that sparked my interest in product design, ultimately leading me to pivot my career towards this exciting and dynamic field.

Explore the process and results below!

How it started:

When I wanted to create the energy drink product, I first modeled a normal energy can, but then wanted to expand my horizon with creating a Sci-Fi bottle inside the world of Destiny 2. Within the game, there is a weapon factory that deals with liquid-infused ammunition, so the whole idea sparked with:

"What if I turned this idea of liquid ammo, into an energy drink?"

I then got inspired to start creating with this new idea if the product could be shipped as a new assets for players in games, as well as how could we target the audience to believe this is a new real product?

What is Omolon?

"OMOLON" is weapon factory brand, inside the world of Destiny 2, a game created by They create "Liquid-infused" lightweight weapons. When thinking about the design I decided to model the energy drink as if it was a "flash" grenade to match their military aesthetics. 

More specifically to match their design philosophy!

  • "Powered by barely understood technology."

  • "Experimental, bordering on irresponsible."


Read about OMOLON's background in this link !

Design Process & Direction

FIGMA Website Protoype

FIGMA is a software I have been meaning to learn, and thanks to this project, I kickstarted to learn of it, and have actually loved how great the software is, specially for protoypes and creating high fidelity versions based on the prototypes. Click on the image to see the protoypes of the OMOLON website and how it ended showing in the final website!

Product Renders and Graphics

Advertisement Videos 

When creating the advertisement we made a total of 4 videos to present the product as if it was inside the world of "Destiny 2" The main trailer consistent in being the one presenting the product as a whole and what it does, then for each drink we made parody videos of what they do, collaborating with other content creators from the community!

OMOLON Energy Drink's Website

To finalize the project, I thought about actually making a functional website to guide viewers to see more about this product and study the data to see how much people were interested in these products!

Click the image for a website preview or the link below!

The Data & Results

This fan-project reached a total accumulated of 1.5 MILLION Impressions, accross Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit & Tiktok! With a whoppin total views of 281,000+. The website got visited a total of 4,000 people from across the globe in the first week it released! Seeing this data was really interesting to study and see how far the video reached out!

This fan-project reached a total accumulated of 1.5 MILLION Impressions, accross Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Reddit & Tiktok! With a whoppin total views of 281,000+. The website got visited a total of 4,000 people from across the globe in the first week it released! Seeing this data was really interesting to study and see how far the video reached out! Also added a "fake" email listing which I didn't expect people to sign up, but got a total of 500+ emails interested in the product!

The community's response

Appearance in an official weekly forum in Bungie's website!

3D-Printed product protoype:

Thank you for reading!

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Envisioning Innovative Design Solutions?

Let's explore how my skills can bring a fresh perspective to your team. Reach out today and let's discuss how we can collaborate to create remarkable design experiences together.

Envisioning Innovative Design Solutions?

Let's explore how my skills can bring a fresh perspective to your team. Reach out today and let's discuss how we can collaborate to create remarkable design experiences together.

ZeroSev © 2024.

Ars Longa - Vita Brevis

8:54:41 pm

ZeroSev © 2024.

Ars Longa - Vita Brevis

8:54:41 pm